Digital Drawing Artist
Laura H. Rubin
Laura H. Rubin draws digitally. She has awards in this regard. Digital drawing and producing works of art are very popular today. She has nearly 300 artworks on his Instagram. He is very productive and very adept at sharing what she produces. She also sells her products.
You can also buy the artworks of Laura H. Rubin. We will add the necessary links for this below. Also, if you want to follow Laura H. Rubin, you can find her instagram address below.
Artists now prefer to draw with an iPad instead of using paper and pencil. There is no pencil and eraser!
With the freedom this brings, much faster and more comprehensive drawings can be made. Switching to digital drawing instead of traditional materials used for drawing is an expensive thing first. But it helps you make a lot of profit later on.
Her long name is : Laura Heussi Rubin
How Old Is Laura H Rubin?
Laura H. Rubin is 30 years old of 2024.
Where Does Live Laura H. Rubin?
She is living in Bern, Switzerland.
Here are Laura’s Digital Drawings
There’s no pen that breaks all the time, and eraser particles mess up! We will publish more articles on digital drawing. And we will list the products that people who want to start digital drawing should buy.
Follow me on instagram: @cizimay_
Cool website, I wish there were more pages about the digital artists. I couldn’t find anything about ylanast drawings except here
I personally focused on these artists. But I also think that the necessary attention is not shown. Your comment motivated me. I will include other artists in the future. If you have any suggestion, I can take it 🙂
what are the programs you use to do your art
Procreate. You can only use it on iPad. If you have iPad or iPhone, you can buy it.